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Speed up loading emails when opening the app

These are the steps to make emails load faster.

Make sure you turn on "Quick notifications" in the notification settings. View

AltaMail loads emails in the background when the Apple iOS allows it. The iOS may delay background processing due to network or battery limits which will slow down background email loading.

To speed up email loading, first open the Apple Settings App and scroll down to AltaMail in the bottom section. Tap on AltaMail and make sure 'Background App Refresh' is turned on.

Then open the Settings App - Mail screen. Now tap on 'Accounts' and then tap on 'Fetch New Data'. In the 'Fetch' section at the bottom, change the setting to 'Hourly', 30 or 15 minutes for faster background loading. The automatic setting will make the iOS control background processing so may cause longer delays.

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