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Preloading emails and saving mobile data, 3G/4G

You can choose to preload email message content and attachments when emails are first read from your email account. This will save time later when viewing emails, but will use more storage space and network data.

In the edit email account settings (View) you can open the 'Advanced' section and change the preload settings. 'Preload email content' will download the email message. 'Preload whole email' will download the message and attachments.

When you are viewing an email folder, you can tap the check emails and then select 'Download email content' from the action menu to download email messages and attachments.

There is an additional setting for preloading data when using a mobile data network. In the app settings (View), open the 'Email' section and tap on 'Conserve Mobile Data'. You can change the preload settings there which will apply when you are using mobile data.

'Save sent mail' will wait to upload emails that you send that need to be saved into the 'Sent' folder. This will wait until a WiFi network or a period of days until it uploads the emails. You can see the sent emails waiting to be uploaded in 'Queued actions' in the 'Smart Folders' in the side panel. View

'Sync draft emails' will wait to save your draft emails until you are on WiFi or after a few days delay. This applies to accounts that have draft email synchronization turned on.

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