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Spam Suggestions

For advanced spam control you can tap on the information button ⓘ when viewing an email or beside an email in the inbox. Then you can open the Spam Suggestions section.

Spam Suggestions
The Spam Suggestions section displays quick suggestions on how to block any future emails from this sender or similar spam emails. Various options are shown to block this email. You can simply tap on 'Block for Spam' to block the email with the suggested spam option.

You can change the option before you block new emails. The number of matching emails in the inbox and also the spam folder is displayed to help you choose which option is best.

From Address
The From Address will block all emails that are sent using the same from address as displayed.

From Address Domain
You can also block emails by the the email address domain. This is the part of an email address after the "@". Sometimes spam emails are sent using different email addresses but use the same address domain. This setting will block all emails from ending with the "@" section of the email address.

From Address Suffix
You can also block emails by the the email address domain suffix. This is the last part of the email address. eg. .abc, .autos, .shop etc.
Be aware that there may be some genine emails using the address domain suffix you can block. eg. .shop

Sender IP Address
This is the network address of the sender email server. Quite often the same email server can be used to send spam using multiple email addresses. Blocking the IP address will block further emails from the same email server even if the emails have a different from address.

Server Network
This is similar to 'Sender IP Address' but applies to a wider range of network addresses.
Some email server data centers (ISPs) have a bad reputation for allowing their users to send spam. Good server companies will remove people who send spam from their servers.
You can use 'Server Network' option to block a group of spam email servers which are part of a network group with a bad reputation.
Blocking a network may result in other good email servers so do check the number of emails that you have received from the server network.

Sender Network Name
This is similar to 'Server Network'. This option can block several networks belonging to the same server company (ISP).

You can tap on the location button to do a search for the approximate location of an email sender. This can help see where the sender is located to help decide to block the network.

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