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Transferring documents, images and files to or from your Mac or PC

You can transfer files, photos, videos, documents, the clipboard and other content from your iPhone/iPad to your Mac or PC
Make sure you have WePrint installed on your Mac or PC. Download and install WePrint from here

Open the WePrint window on your Mac/PC, then tap on the "Status" tab. Tap on the "Settings" button and then open the "Sharing" tab to turn on "Allow Sharing". You can also choose which Mac or PC folder to share.
Then when you choose "Export" or "Save" from a file menu, you can select the WePrint server as the destination to send files.

You can also open the clipboard screen in the left side panel inside PrintCentral. You should now see a list of devices in the bottom of the screen, including the green WePrint icon.

You can tap on a WePrint icon to send the clipboard. You can also check one or more files and drag them to each device. Hint: tap and hold for a short time, before dragging.

When viewing files and other content, you can choose "Send to Device" from the action menu to send content to your Mac or PC.

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