Print n Share Pro Help

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Getting Started
Getting started printing +

For a start, you can print the "Quick start" file inside Print n Share Pro.

Print n Share Pro will print directly to most printer models without extra software, but we recommend you install the free WePrint printer sharing software if you have any problems connecting to your printer, or if your printer has a USB connection.
Install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here.
  1. Tap on the 3 lined button at the top left of the screen to open the left side panel and tap on "Files"
  2. Tap on the "Quick start" file to view it.
  3. Tap on the Print button in the top right of the screen to open the Print window.
  4. If you are not taken to the choose printers screen automatically, tap on the "Choose" button
  5. Your network will be searched for available printers. Tap to select your printer
  6. It is best to select the green WePrint printer if available.
    Otherwise you can use the "Setup" screen to choose the best printing option for your printer. Tap on "Test" beside each option to test it. Tap on "More" to select more options. This option supports most printers. eg. most Epson, Canon, Brother, HP, Lexmark, Dell, Samsung, Kodak etc.
    If you printer prints a lot of blank pages, pull the paper tray out and restart your printer.
  7. For some printer models, the setup test may not be compatible. You can still print though. Install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here
  8. If you have installed WePrint, then Print n Share Pro should find WePrint automatically and display your printers on the choose printers screen.

    If you do not see the WePrint printers then tap the + in the top right and enter your WePrint server address manually. If it still does not find WePrint then open the connection troubleshooter ()
  9. After selecting your printer, tap on "Print" in the Print screen to print.

You can tap on the "Printer Options" button in the Print screen to change settings such as page size, margins, etc.

If you get a blank page or have any issues tap here () to go to the troubleshooting section.

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Print from inside Safari/Photos/Notes and other Apps +

You can use Print n Share Pro from within another app like Safari/Photos/Notes etc..
Follow the steps below to enable Print n Share Pro to be used by other apps. Similar steps can also be used for most apps.

Safari App
  1. Open Safari and tap on the Action button in the top right of the screen (square with an arrow)
  2. Then choose 'Print with PnS Pro'.

Photos App
  1. Open Photos and tap on the Action button in the top right of the screen (square with an arrow)
  2. Then choose 'Print with PnS Pro' near the bottom of the screen.

Notes App
  1. Tap on the circle with 3 dots button in Notes.
  2. Then tap on "Send a copy" and choose 'Print with PnS Pro'.

If you don't see the 'Print with PnS Pro' option...
  1. Open the share dialog as described above
  2. Scroll the bottom line of action popup to the left until you see the "More..." button
  3. Tap on the "Edit actions" button and you will see Print n Share Pro listed
  4. Toggle the switch beside Print n Share Pro to on
  5. If you wish to change the order of the list as it appears in the action menu, simply use the drag bars on the right to move Print n Share Pro up or down the list.
  6. Tap on Done.
  7. You will now see Print n Share Pro as an option whenever you tap on the Action button. You may have to scroll down.

If you do not see your printer in the print dialog then you can follow the printer setup help steps.

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App Settings +

To edit the Print n Share Pro app settings, tap on the 3 lined button in the top left of the screen. Then tap on the cog button in the top of the side panel.
You can tap on the title of each settings section to open the settings for that section.

Use the search button at the top right of the screen to search for settings by name or value.

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Multiple users with Individual Accounts/Profiles +

Print n Share Pro supports multiple users on the same iPad and will enable you to separate and privately store email accounts, documents, web pages and many other items.
In the top of the app settings () you can add users for Print n Share Pro. Each user will have their own email accounts and files.
  1. Open the app settings and open the Access section at the top ()
  2. Tap on "Multiple users (Enter a new password)" - Read the popup and then tap "OK"
  3. Create an Admin password. Do not forget this password, because of security reasons there is no way to recover it - you will need to reinstall the app if it is lost.
  4. Tap on the + button in the top right of the screen and enter a new username and password and tap "Add". You can also add a picture if you wish.
  5. To add further users simply repeat the previous step.
  6. To swap to the new user tap on the user name and enter the password.
  7. Once you swap to the new account you can set up email accounts for each user and also store documents etc. Each user has their own separate secure area that is not seen by other users of Print n Share Pro

Note: Once you set up the different user accounts in Print n Share Pro everytime you exit or suspend the app and open it again it will prompt you to select a user and enter a password.

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Add Email Account/Print emails +

You can setup one or more email accounts to collect and print your emails. You can access your email account in both Apple Mail and Print n Share Pro at the same time.
Tap on the 3 lined button in the top left of the screen to open the left side panel. Tap on "Email" to show the email screen and then tap on "+" in the top right to add a new account.
Enter your email address and password to search for your account settings, or tap on "Manual" to choose the account type yourself.

You can delete email accounts by swiping left over the account name or tapping on the settings (cog) button beside the account then tap on "Delete Account"

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Edit Email Account +

To edit your email accounts:

Tap on the 3 lined button in the top left of the screen to open the left side panel. Tap on "Email" to show the email screen.
Tap on the cog button beside an email account to edit the account settings.

Tap on the "+" button in the top of the screen to add a new account. You can delete email accounts by swiping left over the account name or tapping on the settings (cog) button beside the account then tap on "Delete Account"

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My email account shows an error when I try to read my emails +

If you get an error checking your emails, then open the edit email account screen (). Check that your settings are the same as your email provider has described.
Open the "Settings" section and check those settings. If your email provider describes a secure connection, you can try without "Use SSL" as the connection will be secured using TLS (StartTLS) instead.
Check the port number and "Sevrer" field and then tap on "Test"

If you still see an error, tap on the "More" button to go to the email error page. Check what the description says at the top of the page first.
Tap on "Request help" to contact our helpdesk so they can provide assistance.

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Use 2-Step Verification. Multi-factor authentication (OAuth) +

If your email account supports 2-Step Authentication, then Print n Share Pro will present a web page with a login for your email account. Login to your account when the login web page appears.

If you get an error logging in, check that you are logging in with the correct email account to match the title bar.

Also check that you have enabled the "Use 2-Step Verification" setting in the edit account screen - Settings section.

When you create a new email account that supports Use 2-Step Verification, you do not need to enter your password. Enter your email address and tap on "Use 2-Step Verification" in the bottom of the new account screen.

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Printing from the Apple Mail app +

The best way to print email is to add your email () account inside Print n Share Pro. Then you can easily view and print emails and attachments.

Print n Share Pro can print Email from Apple's Mail app using copy and paste. This method will retain formatting and the look of the email.

Follow the steps below to print an email.
  1. View the email you want to print in Mail
  2. Tap and hold to highlight the text you want
  3. Move blue copy points to cover the section or page you want to print and tap "Copy"
  4. Open Print n Share Pro and you should be prompted to print the copied text.
    If you are not asked to print, open the Clipboard screen, paste using the paste button, then tap to check the pasted page and print.

Note: If you want to print an attachment then simply tap and hold on the attachment and then tap "Open in" and choose Print n Share Pro.

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Sending Email Settings +

Different settings are used for sending emails than from receiving email, unless you are using Exchange. Exchange email accounts can send email via Exchange but you can also choose to send email via an SMTP server instead.

Open the email account settings screen. () Then tap on "Outgoing Mail Server" to view the outgoing email settings screen.

Check with your email provider to see what your settings are for your SMTP server.

If your email server needs a username and password, turn on "Requires Username".

You can change advanced connection settings such as SSL and server port number in the "Advanced" section. If you are using port 25 then you will need to use a username and password. You may need to use port 465 or 587.

Tap on the "Test" button in the top right to test your account settings.

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Different Email accounts for different users +

Print n Share Pro enables you to create multiple users and profiles so you so can separate and privately store email accounts, documents, web pages and many other items. Each individual user of Print n Share Pro will not be able to access email accounts and documents that belong to other separate users.
To learn how to set up multiple uses in Print n Share Pro, tap here () to see the set by step guide

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Locking the Print n Share Pro screen. Protecting your app data. +

You can choose to lock access to Print n Share Pro and its data using a setting. Open the app settings () - Application section, near the bottom. Tap on 'Application Password' and then you can choose when to lock the app screen. You can enter your own password or a pin code. Note: if you forget your password/pin then you will need to reinstall the app.
You can also choose to use the touch id fingerprint unlock option if your iPhone/iPad supports it.

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Backup your app content data +

You can back up all of your Print n Share Pro data, including files, emails and other settings.

Open the app settings (), scroll to the bottom and tap to open the 'Application' section. Tap to open the "Backup / Restore" screen.
You can do a quick backup using the 'Backup to File' or 'Backup to iCloud' options. It is best to save your backup file on a cloud server or somewhere else off of your device.

The most reliable method is to save the backup file to your Mac or PC using WePrint. . This avoids any possible network issues with cloud servers.

Note: Always check the size of the backup file after the backup is completed. The file should be greater than 100 KB if the cloud server has uploaded it correctly.

In the backup settings you can choose to encrypt the back with a password. You can also choose to reduce the size of your backup file by turning off the Include email content setting. Then your emails will be downloaded from your email server after the restore.

To restore your app settings from a backup file, tap on the 'Restore from iCloud' or 'Restore from File' to choose the backup file. All of the current app settings, files and emails will be replaced with the new backup file data.

If you see an error when restoring from a backup then the problem is most likely caused by moving the file to your device. Copy the backup file to your local Files screen inside Print n Share Pro.
  1. Open the "Files" screen inside Print n Share Pro.

  2. Tap on the "+" button and choose "Import".

  3. Choose the file to import from iCloud or other cloud server. If there are problems importing from iCloud due to the file size, then you can use the Files App server to import from iCloud.

  4. Import the backup file to your local files screen inside Print n Share Pro.

  5. Open the backup/restore screen and then select the local backup file to restore your settings.

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Changing the Calendar and Reminder text font +

You can change the calendar and reminder screen fonts in the app settings. This will show the events in the selected font in both the screen and also when printing. Open the app settings () - Calendar section.

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Contact access +

If you are getting a message in Print n Share Pro about contact access, then you need to check your device access settings.

Open the Apple iPad/iPhone "Settings" app > Privacy > Contacts > Print n Share Pro. Check that Print n Share Pro is set to "on".

Also tap into the Settings app > Apps (near the bottom). Tap on Print n Share Pro and then tap "Contacts" to choose Full Access or Limited (or just turn on the switch).

If you do not want to use contacts at all, you can open the App Settings in Print n Share Pro. Then open the Application section and turn off 'Ask for access to contacts'.

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Editing Contact details +

To edit contact details follow the steps below
  1. Tap on "Contacts" in the side panel
  2. Choose a contact group, and either use the search or scroll to find your contact
  3. Tap on the contact to view the summary and then tap on "View contact" at the bottom of the summary screen.
  4. Tap on Edit in the top right to edit the contact details.

Note: The first time you run Print n Share Pro you will have been asked if Print n Share Pro could access your contacts. If you tapped "No" you will not be able to see your contacts in this section. To fix this go to the device settings app, scroll down to Print n Share Pro and then turn on contact access

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Create a new contact from an email address +

You can add contacts from addresses in emails you send and receive. Tap on the email address to view the contact summary screen. You will then see the options to create a "New Contact" or "Merge with contact". "Merge with contact" will add the email address to an existing contact that you select.

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Printing Contacts/Address labels +

Tap on the 3 lined button in the top left of the screen inside Print n Share Pro to open the side menu. Then tap on 'Contacts' to show the contacts screen.
Contacts can be selected from your contact list using the checkbox on the left of the contact name. Use the ✓ tick button at the top of the screen to select all Contacts. Once you have selected your contacts, tap on the Print button.

You can view contacts in each of your contact groups group with the group button in the top tool bar.
After you tap on the print button, tap on "Printer Options" and then tap on "Contact layout" to choose a different print layout.

You can use the search button to enter some text in the search field to filter the list of contacts you want to see.

See the section about contact access if you do not see your contacts.

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Printer setup +

For a start, you can print the "Quick start" file inside Print n Share Pro.

Print n Share Pro will print directly to most printer models without extra software, but we recommend you install the free WePrint printer sharing software if you have any problems connecting to your printer, or if your printer has a USB connection.
Install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here
  1. After installing WePrint on your Mac or PC, open the Print window () inside Print n Share Pro.
  2. If you are not taken to the choose "Printers" screen automatically, tap on the "Choose" button
  3. Your network will be searched to find WePrint on your Mac or PC. Make sure your Mac/PC and your iPhone/iPad are using the same WiFi network. For 3G/4G or a different WiFi, you can use remote printing ()
  4. Tap to select your printer name with the green WePrint icon
  5. If you do not see WePrint printers, then tap the + in the top right and enter your WePrint server address manually. If it still does not find WePrint then see our connection troubleshooter ()
  6. After selecting your printer, tap on the "Print" button in the Print screen to print.

You can tap on the "Printer Options" button in the Print screen to change settings such as page size, margins, etc.

If you get a blank page or have any issues, tap here to go to the troubleshooting section ().

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Choosing a printer driver +

For a start, you can print the "Quick start" file inside Print n Share Pro.

Print n Share Pro will print directly to most printer models without extra software, but we recommend you install the free WePrint printer sharing software if you have any problems connecting to your printer, or if your printer has a USB connection.
Install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here
  1. Open the Print window () inside Print n Share Pro.
  2. If you are not taken to the choose "Printers" screen automatically, tap on the "Choose" button
  3. Your network will be searched for available printers. Tap to select your printer
  4. If you did not select the green WePrint printer, you can use the "Setup" screen to choose the best printer option for your printer.
  5. Tap on "Test" beside each option to test it. Tap on "More" to select more options eg. Canon, Epson, HP, Brother. If you printer prints a lot of blank pages, pull the paper tray out and restart your printer.
  6. For some printer models, the setup test may not be compatible. You can still print though. Install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here
  7. After selecting your printer, tap on "Print" in the Print screen to print.

If you get a blank page or have any issues please tap here () to go to the troubleshooting section.

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Which printers can I print to? +

You can print directly to most printer models over WiFi without extra software.
AirPrint is not required to be able to print. You can print from your iPhone/iPad to ALL printers using the free WePrint printer sharing software which is installed on your Mac or PC from here:

If your printer has a USB or other connection type, you can also use WePrint to share the printer with your iPhone/iPad.

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Change layout and printer options +

In the Print screen (), you can tap on "Printer Options" to edit various layout features.
You can change the page range, margins, grayscale (black and white), orientation (landscape, portrait, rotate), paper size (A4, A3, US Letter, US Legal, Custom, Envelope, Labels), duplex, paper tray and more.
For Calendar printing you can change the options for printing notes, locations, date range for multiple months, days or weeks, All Day events, text size, only print week days, single page month view and more.

For the largest range of options, install and select a WePrint server printer ().

If the printed size is wrong, you can change the margins to "0". You can also use a negative number to expand the printed size to print the full page, eg -1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0
You can choose a different paper size. You can also create your own custom paper size for your printer, eg A3, Tabloid, labels, paper roll etc.

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Print multiple photos or document pages on each sheet of paper +

You can choose to print multiple images, emails or other document pages on each sheet of paper.

In the print screen, tap on the "Printer Options" to view all of the printer options. Change the "Pages per sheet - columns" and also "Pages per sheet - rows" to set the number of pages to print on each sheet.
Then tap on the print button.

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Print documents to a Jpeg image file +

You can choose to print documents to an image file.
Tap on the Choose button to choose the Convert to Image printer when you open the print screen.

Then when you print the document you will be asked where to save the image file. You can choose the image size (paper size) in the Printer Options.

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Printing remotely using Mobile Data or remote WiFi networks instead of your own WiFi +

If you want to print remotely to your office or home printers, you can use the "Print Remotely" option using WePrint.
Note: This feature also replaces "Google Cloud Print" but also provides many more printing and layout options.

Quick Setup Guide (Approximately 2 minutes)
  1. Download and install the free WePrint on your Mac or PC from here:
  2. Open the WePrint settings and open the "Print Remotely" tab
  3. Turn on the "Remote printing via an Email/Cloud server" option. Make sure you select the "WePrint Cloud" account type.
  4. Click on the "Copy Account Token" button and send the copied token to your iPhone or iPad. You can send this token via email or the WePrint transfer screen or another method. You should protect this token as it provides access to printing on your WePrint server.
  5. a) If you sent the token via email, tap on the link in the email inside your iPad/iPhone. This should open Print n Share Pro and add the WePrint server
    b) If you copied the token then tap on the Print button inside Print n Share Pro. Tap on "Choose" and then tap on the green "Print Remotely" button.
    Paste the token using the paste button beside the text field.
  6. After WePrint is added then you should see the green WePrint printers in the choose printer screen. Choose a printer with "Remote" under the name.

If you have any problems with setup then open the WePrint settings and open the "Print Remotely" tab. Tap on the "Delete Account" button. This will delete the account and all data so you will need to share the token for the new account with your iPhone/iPad again.
Then follow the process above to create a new "WePrint Cloud" account.

The "WePrint Cloud" account has end to end encryption so your data can only be accessed on your own devices. The print jobs are encrypted and only your Mac or PC has the password to decrypt the print job. As well as file encryption the print jobs are also transferred via secure SSL. You can delete all files from your account at any time using the "Delete Account" button.
The "WePrint Cloud" server is protected by data center security and only our CEO can access the server for software updates.
No one in our company or any 3rd party has any access any of your print job data. We do not collect any data relating to any aspect of your usage of our apps.

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Using your own email or WebDAV account to print remotely. (Advanced users) +

If you want to print remotely to your office or home printers, you can use the "Print Remotely" option using WePrint.

Note:This guide is for advanced users who wish to use their own email or WebDAV account.
We recommend using the much simpler "WePrint Cloud" setup which only takes a few steps.

Quick Start Guide
  1. Download and install the free WePrint on your Mac or PC from here:
  2. We strongly recommend you set up a new email account in the WePrint settings. WePrint creates printer emails that sit in the inbox. If you use an existing account it may get cluttered with these emails.
    Create a new email account.
  3. Add the new email username and password to the "Print Remotely" tab in the Settings of WePrint. Choose your email account type in the menu.
  4. On your iPad/iPhone, tap on the Print button inside Print n Share Pro
  5. Tap on "Choose" and then tap on the green "Print Remotely" button
  6. Select your email account type and then enter your new email address and password and then tap on "Connect". You should now see your list of WePrint printers in the choose printer screen.

Generally, when you are in your local WiFi network Print n Share Pro will automatically find your WePrint server in your network and allow you to print straight away. If you are not in the same WiFi network as
the WePrint server, or you want to print via mobile data you can use the "Print Remotely" option in the WePrint settings.

Do not confuse the "Print Remotely" function with printing from an email account, we are simply using this email account as a transport method. If Print n Share Pro supports email, you can set up
your email accounts to print in "Email" section of the app on your iPhone/iPad

Full Instructions
  1. Download and install the free WePrint on your Mac or PC from here:
  2. Create a new email account. eg.

    New Account -
    Note: For Mac OS X only

    New Account -
    Note: You must turn on "Allow apps that use less secure sign in" in this settings web page

    New Account -
    Note: You must create an App Password in this settings web page Do not use your Yahoo account password.

    New Account -
    Note: You must turn on "Less secure app access" in this settings web page
  3. Go to WePrint on your computer and click the "Settings" button. Then click on the "Print Remotely" tab
  4. Turn on the "Remote printing via an Email/Cloud server" option
  5. Enter the email address of the new email account and the password. Choose your email account type in the menu. Click on the "Test" button"
  6. A green check mark should appear after the test
  7. Open Print n Share Pro on your iPad/iPhone, go ahead and print something like a web page/calendar
  8. When you see the "Print" screen, tap on the "Choose" if the choose printer has not already appeared
  9. Tap on the green "Print Remotely" button
  10. Choose your email account type in the menu. Enter your new email address and password and then tap on "Connect". You will also need to login to the gmail login web page again.
  11. You should now see your list of the green WePrint printers in the choose printer screen.
  12. Select a printer and then tap on Print

If you have an office network with a firewall that blocks email server access, you could use a WePrint Cloud or WebDAV server. During step 5. select the type drop down in the WePrint
settings to select WePrint Cloud or WebDAV.

When printing, make sure the "Server" field on the Print screen displays the server name starting with "Remote". WePrint doesn't need to be running to Print Remotely,
and it is generally not restricted by firewalls. WePrint can be started later to collect the printed documents, so is great when traveling.
WePrint does need to be running at some stage to collect the print jobs and print them.

If you have any issues with the set up then please see our Print Remotely troubleshooting section ()

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Problems setting up Print Remotely via email. For advanced users +

Make sure you have "Remote" showing in the Server field of the Print screen on the iPhone. If not, use the "Choose" button beside the Printer field to select or add a WePrint server. Choose a green WePrint server with "Remote" under the name. The WePrint printers with blue lines above are local WiFi printers.

The easiest setup option is to choose "WePrint Cloud" in the WePrint settings screen. You should use the "WePrint Cloud" option as it is much easier to setup than the other options for more advanced users.

If you have problems, delete the WePrint Cloud account and then share a new account with your iPhone/iPad. Here are more details about this process.

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Problems setting up Print Remotely +

Make sure you have "Remote" showing in the Server field of the Print screen on the iPhone. If not, use the "Choose" button beside the Printer field to select or add a WePrint server. Choose a green WePrint server with "Remote" under the name. The WePrint printers with blue lines above are local WiFi printers.

The easiest setup option is to choose "WePrint Cloud" in the WePrint settings screen. If you have problems, delete the WePrint Cloud account and then share a new account with your iPhone/iPad.

You should use the "WePrint Cloud" option as it is much easier to setup than the other options listed below.
  1. If you are having problems using "Print Remotely" with with the email/WebDav option, the first thing you should do is create a new email account purely for "Print Remotely".
    This is to avoid other apps deleting emails from this account. It doesn't mean that you can't print emails from other email accounts.

  2. For these account types, check the security settings:

    You must turn on "Allow apps that use less secure sign in" in this settings web page

    You must use an App Password in this settings web page Do not use your normal Yahoo account password.

    You must turn on "Less secure app access" in this settings web page
  3. Quit WePrint. Open your email inbox in a web browser and delete all WePrint subject emails in the email inbox. Start WePrint again.
  4. Go to the the "Print Remotely" option in the WePrint settings. Turn on "Remote printing via and Email/WebDAV server". Make sure the email address and password is ok. Choose the email account type. Click the "Test" button and then the "Save" button.
  5. Go to your email inbox in a web browser and make sure there is a new WePrint email there. It should contain a single attachment. If not, check your settings in WePrint.
  6. Once that is set up go to the iPhone/iPad and when you get the Print screen, press the "Choose" button.
  7. Swipe left over any WePrint printers with "Remote" under the name and delete them".
  8. Then tap on the "Print Remotely" button
  9. Enter your new email address and password and then tap on "Connect". Choose your email/WebDAV account type in the menu.
  10. You should now see your list of the green WePrint printers in the choose printer screen with "Remote" under the name.

There will be a slight delay as WePrint waits to check the email account. To print instantly, open the "Print Remotely" tab in WePrint and click the "Check now" button.

Do not set up your Print Remotely email account in the email accounts screen of Print n Share Pro. It is only used for printing and so only needs to be added in the "Print Remotely" screen.

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Google Cloud Print Alternative. Replaced by WePrint Print Remotely. GCP Error 410 +

Google Cloud Print was deactivated by Google at the end of 2020. The Google servers now return error 410.
The replacement for Google Cloud Printing is the WePrint Print Remotely solution.

The WePrint Print Remotely service provides many more features than GCP and can be set up in less than a minute.

WePrint can allow you to print remotely anywhere in the world via mobile data or WiFi.

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Printing from a Mac to an iPhone/iPad +

Once you install WePrint on your Mac, you can print almost any document to send to your iPhone/iPad as a PDF file.
  1. After installing and running WePrint on your Mac, open a document/web page in an application and open the Print window.
  2. In the Printer dropdown menu, select "Add Printer..." and then choose the "Send to Device @" printer displayed in the Add printer screen. This is the printer created by WePrint.
  3. After selecting the "Send to Device" printer, click on the "Print" button to send the document to WePrint as a PDF.
  4. The WePrint window should now appear with the printed document selected in the "Transfer" tab. All you need to do now is selected the iPhone or iPad that is running Print n Share Pro and then click on the "Send selected Clips" button in the WePrint window.

Print n Share Pro will need to be running and open on your iPhone/iPad which will need to be in the same WiFi network as your Mac running WePrint. If your device doesn't appear in the WePrint transfer list then check the Print n Share Pro settings - "Clipboard" section. Make sure "WiFi clipboard transfer is turned on and perhaps close and open Print n Share Pro again.

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Printing Contacts/Address labels +

Tap on the 3 lined button in the top left of the screen inside Print n Share Pro to open the side menu. Then tap on 'Contacts' to show the contacts screen.
Contacts can be selected from your contact list using the checkbox on the left of the contact name. Use the ✓ tick button at the top of the screen to select all Contacts. Once you have selected your contacts, tap on the Print button.

You can view contacts in each of your contact groups group with the group button in the top tool bar.
After you tap on the print button, tap on "Printer Options" and then tap on "Contact layout" to choose a different print layout.

You can use the search button to enter some text in the search field to filter the list of contacts you want to see.

See the section about contact access if you do not see your contacts.

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Printing your Calendar +

You can use the calendar screen inside Print n Share Pro to print your existing iPad or iPhone calendars.

View either by List/Day/Week/Month
Tap the Print button
You can choose several layout and date range options by tapping on the "Printer Options" button on the Print screen. eg. Print multiple months at a time, or several days/weeks
You can also choose to print the month screen as a single page, or multiple pages to not truncate event descriptions.
There are several printer options for printing maps when printing a single event, as well as driving directions.
Other printing options include print location, notes, duration, event color, ignore 'all day' events and more.

Use the printing help topic to set up your printer. ()

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Printing with a DYMO printer +

You can print to your DYMO printer by installing WePrint () on your Mac or PC from here
WePrint is a free printer sharing server. The iPhone/iPad does not provide an option to connect to a printer via USB.
In the Print screen in Print n Share Pro, select your WePrint DYMO LabelWriter by tapping on the "Choose" () button.
Make sure you have selected the green WePrint printer icon with your DYMO printer name.

You can print address/shipping labels to your DYMO printer by tapping on "Contacts" in Print n Share Pro, select one or more contacts and tap on the Print button.

When you see the Print screen, tap on "Printer Options" to open the "Paper size". Tap on the "+" button in the top right to add your own custom label size.

You can also select either the work or home address option.

If you have the LabelWriter Twin you can select the right or left roll in the "Paper Tray" in the "Printer Options" screen.

You can also create a text file or note in the "Files" section of Print n Share Pro and type your recipients details, then print it out.

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Printing photos/images +

Tap on the 3 lined button in the top of the screen to show the left side panel and then tap on "Images".
Select multiple photos by tapping on them and then tap on "Print" button in the top right.
Tap on "Printer Options in the Print screen to choose the Image size and Paper tray.

You can choose different options using the "Printer Options" button on the Print screen.

To print multiple photos per page, tap on the "Printer Options" in the print screen. Change the "Pages per sheet - columns" and also "Pages per sheet - rows" to set the number of images per page.

Images can be printed using different sizes using the "Printer Options".

You can choose the paper tray if you are printing from your iPhone/iPad via the free WePrint on your Mac or PC Paper tray selection will depend on your System and printer support.

For photo printing, it is best to use "Fill page". If photos are cut off or you see white bands, you can adjust the image margins in the WePrint settings - Images tab, or the Printer Options on the iPhone/iPad Print screen
You can use negative margins in the "Printer Options" to extend the print area if needed.

If images don't appear to be the correct size, you can also adjust the "Image scaling" setting in the WePrint settings to adjust the image scale to suit your printer. This will apply to all image size formats that you select on the iPhone eg. 3x5, 4x6, except "Fill Page"

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Printing from Pages/Numbers/Keynote +

You can print/share documents from Pages, Numbers or Keynote using the steps below
  1. 1) Tap on the action button (square with arrow or "...") button in Pages, Numbers or Keynote
  2. 2) Select "Send a Copy" in the menu
  3. 3) Tap on the document you want to print/share
  4. 4) Choose the "Pages" or "PDF" format
  5. 5) Select Print n Share Pro from the list in the share dialog. If you have a lot of apps swipe right to left on the black box if you do not see Print n Share Pro first off
  6. 6) Print n Share Pro will now open and the Print window should appear, then tap on "Print"

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Mobile Printing with no network available +

You can use your iPhone/iPad to print to a printer when you have no Wifi network available. An example of this would be if you are in a truck or if you are visiting hotel.
Follow the steps below to enable mobile printing.
  1. Enable the "Personal Hotspot" in the device Settings app
  2. Connect your WiFi printer to the Personal Hotspot via WiFi (consult your printer instructions to see how to do this for your printer model)
  3. Open Print n Share Pro, choose something to print and tap on Print in the top right to show the Print screen. Then tap on "Choose" to find your WiFi printer and then tap print.

For Brother mobile printers, tap on Setup in the Print screen to show the setup screen. If the "Brother Mobile" test is not showing, tap on "More" to add it. Tap on "Test" beside "Brother Mobile" to test the connection. Once the connection is confirmed, then the 'Brother Mobile' option should be selected in the bottom of the screen for Documents and Text.

Note: You will need the "Personal Hotspot" function enabled on your iPhone to use this method, your carrier may have restrictions for this so check with them for further details.

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Printing to the Brother PJ 673 mobile printer +

First you need to connect your device to the PJ-673 WiFi network. This is Brother's documentation about connecting an iPhone/iPad to the 673 via WiFi:

Once your iPad is connected to the PJ673, tap on the Print button when viewing a web page (or other document) inside Print n Share Pro.
Tap on Choose and select the PJ673 printer icon in the choose printer screen. If the PJ-673 does not appear, use the "+" button in the top right of the choose screen to add the PJ 673 manually. Enter the address described in the Brother installation document ie.

On the Print screen, tap on Setup to show the setup screen. If the "Brother Mobile" test is not showing, tap on "More" to add it. Tap on "Test" beside "Brother Mobile" to test the connection. Once the connection is confirmed, then the 'Brother Mobile' option should be selected in the bottom of the screen for Documents and Text.

Tap on the "Printer Options" button to choose your printer model and other settings like paper size and length.

After setup, you can simply tap on 'Print' with other documents after you have connected to the PJ 673 WiFi network.

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Delete WePrint +

You can install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here WePrint will allow you share your files, printers and also print remotely using mobile data.

If you are having any problems please contact us for help.

If your PC un-installer detects additional user files and doesn't complete, you can delete WePrint by exploring C:\ drive and either deleting the "C:\Program Files\WePrint" folder or drag it to the recycle bin.
also delete the folder "c:\WePrint" if it exists

To uninstall WePrint on a Mac, quit the WePrint application; then you can delete this file:
Applications/WePrint Server
and this folder:
~/Documents/EuroSmartz Print

If the WePrint icon is not shown on the Apple Finder menu bar or in your Dock, go to the Apple icon on the top left of the screen and force quit the WePrint application.

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File, Photo, Clipboard and Document Transfer
Adding Cloud Servers +

You can access a large range of cloud servers types with Print n Share Pro. eg iCloud Drive, Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox,, MyDisk, CloudMe, Evernote, FTP, SugarSync
  1. Tap on the 3 lined button in the top right of the screen to open the left side panel and tap on "Files"
  2. Tap on the "Cloud Servers" icon to open the servers screen.
  3. Tap on the "+" button in the top right of the screen.
  4. Select the Cloud server type you wish to add
  5. Depending on the cloud server type, you will be asked to login or will be taken to the cloud server app to authenticate your account.
  6. After the Cloud Server account is added, you tap on the server icon to view the contents of the server.

For WebDAV server enter your user name and password as well as the URL to access the service (the URL will be available for your providers website).
For FTP enter your user name and password, you can change the port or rename FTP by tapping in the "Port" or "Name" field

Here are some sample server settings: URL="" URL="" Where "username" is your username. NOTE: Make sure the URL ends with "/

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Import/Export files with your Mac or PC +

You can follow the steps below to import files from your computer using WePrint
  1. Make sure you have WePrint installed on your Mac or PC. Download and install WePrint from here
  2. Open WePrint on your Mac or PC and click on the "Settings" button and then open the "Sharing" tab
  3. Half way down the Sharing tab screen you will see a button with "Choose" on it, click this and then select the folder you wish to use to share your files. This may be your entire Documents or My Documents folder, or you may wish to have a separate folder just for files your want to transfer to the iPad/iPhone
  4. Go to your iPad/iPhone and open Print n Share Pro, go to the Files screen in the left side panel. Tap the "+" button and then tap on "Import"
  5. In the Places screen, if WePrint is not listed then tap "Add Server". Print n Share Pro should find WePrint automatically, if it doesn't check our troubleshooting section ()
  6. You will now see a list of files and documents that is the contents of the folder you selected
  7. Tap to select one or more files and then tap "Import"

Export files to your Mac from your iPhone/iPad with these steps.
  1. Follow the instructions above to set up WePrint for file sharing
  2. Go to your iPad/iPhone and open Print n Share Pro, go to the Files screen in the left side panel.
  3. Use the checkboxes by each file icon to select one or more files and then tap on the action menu button (circle with 3 dots button).
  4. Then select "Export" from the action menu and select the WePrint folder as the destination

You can also move your Mac files to the "EuroSmartz Apps" folder on "iCloud Drive". Then you can access these files inside Print n Share Pro in the iCloud Server screen. It will take a short while for the files to transfer and appear.

You can also retrieve files from Cloud servers, see the cloud server () section to find out more

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Transferring content to another iPhone/iPad +

You can transfer files, videos, photos, images, documents, the clipboard and other content to another device

Make sure you enable the "Bluetooth clipboard transfer" and/or the "WiFi clipboard transfer" options in the app settings () - Clipboard section. Check that both devices are either using Bluetooth or the same WiFi network. Make sure that both devices have Print n Share Pro installed and open.

Open the clipboard screen in the left side panel inside Print n Share Pro. You should now see a list of devices in the bottom of the screen.

You can tap on a device to send the clipboard. You can also check one or more files and drag them to each device. Hint: tap and hold for a short time, before dragging.

When viewing files and other content, you can choose "Send to Device" from the action menu to send content to another device.

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Transferring documents, images and files to or from your Mac or PC +

You can transfer files, photos, videos, documents, the clipboard and other content from your iPhone/iPad to your Mac or PC
Make sure you have WePrint installed on your Mac or PC. Download and install WePrint from here

Open the WePrint window on your Mac/PC, then tap on the "Status" tab. Tap on the "Settings" button and then open the "Sharing" tab to turn on "Allow Sharing". You can also choose which Mac or PC folder to share.
Then when you choose "Export" or "Save" from a file menu, you can select the WePrint server as the destination to send files.

You can also open the clipboard screen in the left side panel inside Print n Share Pro. You should now see a list of devices in the bottom of the screen, including the green WePrint icon.

You can tap on a WePrint icon to send the clipboard. You can also check one or more files and drag them to each device. Hint: tap and hold for a short time, before dragging.

When viewing files and other content, you can choose "Send to Device" from the action menu to send content to your Mac or PC.

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Transfer files to or from a Cloud Server +

With Print n Share Pro you can transfer files, videos, photos and documents between your device and different cloud servers

When viewing a files screen, either local files or cloud server files, tap on the "+" button in the top right and select "Import". This will allow you to choose another location to select files and import them into the current file screen.

You can also select one or more files in a Files screen and then choose "Export" from the action menu (circle with 3 dots button).

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Import files from other apps or the Files app +

You can transfer files from other apps to Print n Share Pro.

You can import files from the Apple Files app. Open the Files screen in the left side panel of Print n Share Pro. Tap the "+" button and then tap on "Import". In the Places screen choose Files App to choose file.

For other apps:

1) You can share files with Print n Share Pro using the Files app. Print n Share Pro will appear in the Files app in the locations section. Tap to open the button called "On my iPad" or "On my iPhone". Then you can see the Print n Share Pro shared folder. You can save files from other apps to this folder. You can also view files from this folder in other apps if those apps support this feature.

2) Use "Open in" or "Share" from your other app and select Print n Share Pro. This option should be available in most apps when selecting files and using an action menu

3) - Multitasking on supported iPads
Open the Files (or Web Browser) screen inside Print n Share Pro
Slide up from the bottom of the iPad screen to show the app bar. Tap and drag on another app (which supports drag eg. Photos, Safari, Files) to the right of the screen to create a split screen.
Tap and hold on document, photo or other content to drag to Print n Share Pro to save or print.

4) Use "iCloud Drive" from your other app and tap on "EuroSmartz Apps". This will save the documents from the other app in the iCloud folder inside Print n Share Pro

5) Use a Cloud Server to share the file with other apps

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Send files to another app or the Files app +

You can send files and other content to other apps from inside Print n Share Pro.

Tap on the 3 lined button in the top left of the screen to show the left side panel. Then tap on "Files" to show the file screen.

Tap on the checkbox in the file icon to select files and then tap on the action menu button (circle with 3 dots icon).
You can choose either the "Open with App..." or "Share" actions in the menu to share content with other apps such as Omnifocus, Devonthink, Evernote etc.

To save files to the Apple Files app, choose "Export" from the action menu and then choose Files App. Then you can choose where to save the file inside the Files app.

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Sending files and images from inside other apps to other devices +

You can send files and other content from inside other apps to other devices. eg. send a web page address from Safari, or a photo from the Photos app.
  1. View your document, web page, photo etc. in the other app
  2. Tap on the Action/Share button to show the list of options for sharing content
  3. Scroll the bottom row of buttons to the right and tap on "More..."
  4. Enable the "Send to Device" button in the list. You may need to scroll down. You can also drag the lines icon to the right to re-arrange the order
  5. Tap on "Done" and you will now see the "Send to Device" button in the bottom row.
  6. Tap on the "Send to Device" button and then choose a device to send the item to.

If you are sending to your Mac/PC, make sure you have WePrint installed and running. If it does not appear, then tap here () to see the TroubleShooting section for help with connections issues. Ensure you go to the WePrint Settings -> Sharing and check the "Enable Clipboard sharing" option.

If you are sending to another iPhone/iPad, then make sure you have Print n Share Pro running and your iPad/iPhone is awake when you transfer from your PC or Mac. Also check that the "WiFi clipboard transfer" setting is on in the App settings - Clipboard section

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Mount iPad/iPhone as a Disk on your Mac/PC +

You can mount your iPad or iPhone as a disk on your computer and you will then be able to freely move files and folders on and off the disk - for a step by step guide, tap here for Mac and tap here for Windows

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Synchronise files between devices +

You can synchronise your files in Print n Share Pro with Print n Share Pro on other devices using iCloud. Open the app settings () and then open the "Files" section. Turn on 'Sync local files between devices via iCloud'. This will automatically share files between your devices that have your iCloud account.

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Zip and unzip files +

You can zip files in the Files screen. Tap to check one or more files with the checkbox. Then use the action menu (circle with 3 dots button). Select "Zip files" and then name the new zip file.

You can unzip and view zipped files by simply tapping on them. You can copy files out of a zip file by selecting one or more files and using "Export" in the action menu.

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Create formatted text and photo notes and print them +

You can create your own formatted text and image notes inside Print n Share Pro. In the files screen, tap on the "+" button in the top right and select 'New note'.

You can type text in the note and it will be saved automatically. To format text, select some text and tap on 'More' or the arrow button in the right of the text selection menu to see the formatting options. You can format text with different colors, fonts and styles. You can also add images with the image insert button.

Use the print button at the top of the screen to print the note in the same format as it appears on the screen.

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Transfer PDF files to the Books app +

You can transfer PDF files and attachments to the Apple Books app.

First select the PDF file or email attachment and then tap on the action menu button. (circle with 3 dots button).

Then select 'Share' from the action menu.

In the share window, scroll along the second row of icons until you see the Books icon and tap on it.

If you do not see the Books icon, tap on the "More/..." button to find it.

This will then send the PDF to the Books app for you to read it.

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Printing photos/images +

Tap on the 3 lined button in the top of the screen to show the left side panel and then tap on "Images".
Select multiple photos by tapping on them and then tap on "Print" button in the top right.
Tap on "Printer Options in the Print screen to choose the Image size and Paper tray.

You can choose different options using the "Printer Options" button on the Print screen.

To print multiple photos per page, tap on the "Printer Options" in the print screen. Change the "Pages per sheet - columns" and also "Pages per sheet - rows" to set the number of images per page.

Images can be printed using different sizes using the "Printer Options".

You can choose the paper tray if you are printing from your iPhone/iPad via the free WePrint on your Mac or PC Paper tray selection will depend on your System and printer support.

For photo printing, it is best to use "Fill page". If photos are cut off or you see white bands, you can adjust the image margins in the WePrint settings - Images tab, or the Printer Options on the iPhone/iPad Print screen
You can use negative margins in the "Printer Options" to extend the print area if needed.

If images don't appear to be the correct size, you can also adjust the "Image scaling" setting in the WePrint settings to adjust the image scale to suit your printer. This will apply to all image size formats that you select on the iPhone eg. 3x5, 4x6, except "Fill Page"

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No access to photos. Photos show a cloud icon +

If you do not see any photos in Print n Share Pro or get an access warning message, then you need to enable access to photos.
Open the device 'Settings' app and scroll down and tap on the Print n Share Pro icon near the bottom. Tap on 'Photos' and enable access.

If you see a dimmed/faded cloud icon when you tap on a photo then the photo is downloading from iCloud. Some images take some time to download. Check your iCloud settings (at the top) in the Settings app. Tap on "Photos" in the iCloud settings. If you have selected "Optimise iPad/iPhone Storage" then your photos may not stored on your device. They will be downloaded when needed. Turn on the "Download and Keep Originals" if you have space so that the photos are always available.

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Save, export or upload images to a photo album +

You can add images from emails and files to your device photo album.

Select the photo email attachment or image file and choose "Export to photo album" from the action menu.

You can also do a long tap on an image in an email or web page and then choose "Export to photo album" from the popup menu.

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Saving photos/images as files +

You can save photos from your photo album to image files.

Open the images screen in the left side panel inside Print n Share Pro. Select one or more photos and the choose "Save as file" from the action menu. (circle with 3 dots button)

Then you can choose where to save the file. You can save the image file to the local files screen or to a cloud server.
You can also save an image file to your Mac/PC. ()

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Send photos/images to another device +

You can send photos from your photo album to another iPhone/iPad or even your Mac/PC.

Open the images screen in the left side panel inside Print n Share Pro. Select one or more photos and the choose "Send to Device" from the action menu. (circle with 3 dots button)

Make sure the other device has Print n Share Pro or WePrint (Mac/PC) running with file sharing enabled. ()

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Calendar access +

If you are getting a message in Print n Share Pro about calendar access or you can't see any events, then you need to check your device access settings.

If your calendar is not displaying in Print n Share Pro, tap on the app settings cog button inside of Print n Share Pro. Open the Calendar section - Calendars. Make sure your calendars are selected.

Also open the Apple iPad/iPhone "Settings" app > Privacy > Calendars > Print n Share Pro. Check that Print n Share Pro is set to "on".

Also tap into the Settings app > Scroll near the bottom and click on our Print n Share Pro. Turn on "Calendars".

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Change day, week or month +

When you are viewing the day, week or month view you can swipe left or right to change to another date.
You can also tap on the blue date button in the top of the screen to open the date chooser and select another date in the future or,past.

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Choose which calendars to view/print +

You can choose which calendars are visible inside Print n Share Pro. eg. to hide/remove Holidays
Open the app settings () and open the Calendar section.
Tap on "Calendars" and tap each calendar to turn it on or off.

You can also choose which calendars to print. In the Print screen, tap on "Printer Options", then tap on "Calendars". Choose the calendars to print. This will not affect the calendars that appear when viewing your calendar on the screen.

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Printing a range of days, weeks or months +

You can choose a date range to print so you can print multiple days, weeks or months at one time. eg. Print 12 months at a time

Start by viewing the first day or month of the date range you want to print. Tap on the blue date title in the top of the screen to choose the start date.

Then when you are printing a calendar view, tap on the "Printer Options" button on the Print screen. Then choose "Date range end".
Enter the end date and then you can print multiple pages of your calendar.

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Emailing a calendar as a PDF +

You can email your calendar as a PDF attachment to someone else.
Open the calendar screen you want to send. Tap on the share (arrow) button in the top right of the screen.
In the "Convert to PDF" screen, you can tap on the "Page Layout" button to change layout options, such as single page, paper size and date range.
Tap on the "Email" to attach the resulting calendar PDF file to an email.

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Save a calendar as a PDF file or for backup +

You can convert your calendar screens to a PDF file.
Open the calendar screen you want to save. Tap on the share (arrow) button in the top right of the screen.
In the "Convert to PDF" screen, you can tap on the "Page Layout" button to change layout options, such as single page, paper size and date range.
Tap on the "Save" to save the PDF file to a cloud server or local files area or to backup your calendar.
You can also tap on the 'Email' button to send the PDF file via email.

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Add a Google or Exchange Calendar +

Calendars inside Print n Share Pro are read from your iPhone/iPad calendar accounts.
You can add more calendars in the Settings app - "Accounts & Passwords". Tap on "Add Account" and enter your account details.

You can choose which calendars to display and print inside Print n Share Pro with the choose calendar () screen.

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Print the date and timestamp in the page footer +

You can choose to print the current date and time in the footer of the printed page output so you can tell when the page was printed.
Tap on "Printer Options" in the print screen.
Then turn on the 'Print timestamp footer' option. The current date and time will then be printed on each page.

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Reminder list access +

If you are getting a message in Print n Share Pro about reminders access or you can't see any reminder lists, then you need to check your device access settings.

Open the Apple iPad/iPhone "Settings" app > Privacy > Reminders > Print n Share Pro. Check that Print n Share Pro is set to "on".

Also open the Settings app -> General -> Restrictions -> Reminders (near bottom). Check that Print n Share Pro is set to "on".

Also tap into the Settings app > Scroll near the bottom and click on our Print n Share Pro. Turn on "Reminders".

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Choose Reminder Lists +

Tap on the Reminders button in the Calendar screen to show Reminders. You can choose which reminder list to show by tapping on the name of the reminders list at the top of the screen.
eg. you can choose a shopping list, to do list, shared family lists or others.

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Emailing a Reminders list +

You can email your reminders as a PDF attachment to someone else.
Open the Reminders screen in the Calendar section. Tap on the share (arrow) button in the top right of the screen.
In the "Convert to PDF" screen, you can tap on the "Page Layout" button to change layout options.
Tap on the "Email" to attach the resulting reminders list PDF file to an email.

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Save a Reminders list as a PDF file or for backup +

You can convert your Reminders to a PDF file.
Open the Reminders screen in the Calendar section. Tap on the share (arrow) button in the top right of the screen.
In the "Convert to PDF" screen, you can tap on the "Page Layout" button to change layout options.
Tap on the "Save" to save the PDF file to a cloud server or local files area as a backup for your reminders.

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Reminder Filters +

You can filter the Reminders lists using the filter button (funnel) in the top right of the Reminders screen.

Tap on the Filters button to choose Scheduled, Not scheduled, completed or not completed. This will show the reminders matching the filter in the currently selected reminders list.

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Include Reminders in Calendar views +

You can include reminders in the calendar appointment screens. You can then choose to print both reminders and appointments together.

Open the App Settings and then Open the "Calendar" section.
Then turn on "Include Reminders in Calendar views".

You can also choose which reminder lists to show in the calendar screens using the Calendars setting below this app setting

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Web pages
Printing Web Pages +

Print n Share Pro has four ways to print Web Pages.

Method 1 - Use Web Pages section (quickest and easiest)
  1. Tap on the "Web Pages" button in the left side panel of Print n Share Pro
  2. Type an address, select a bookmark, use the search field on the right, or paste an address copied from Safari (e.g.
  3. Once the page is loaded tap the "Print" button at the top right of the screen

Method 2 - Using Copy and Paste
  1. Navigate to the page you need in Safari
  2. Once the page is fully loaded, select some text and images and choose "Copy" in the selection menu.
  3. Open Print n Share Pro and you should be prompted to print the copied content.

Method 3 - Using Safari
  1. Navigate to the page you need in Safari
  2. Once the page is fully loaded you have two choices.
    - You can either add a "z" after the "p" in "http://" for example httpz://
    - alternatively you can add a "z" to the front of the "http://" part of the web address, for example z
  3. Print n Share Pro will then open and you will be presented with the print dialog

You can also copy the address from the Safari address bar and paste it into the web address bar inside Print n Share Pro.

Method 4 - Using the Safari Extension Dialog
Use the action menu in Safari to send the web page to Print n Share Pro to print. Tap here () for more details.

Method 5 - Multitasking on supported iPads with iOS 11
  1. Navigate to the page you need in Safari
  2. Slide up from the bottom of the iPad screen to show the app bar. Tap and drag on Print n Share Pro to the left (or right) of the screen to create a split screen.
  3. Tap and hold on a link or the top address bar to drag a web address to Print n Share Pro to view in the web browser, or print.

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Print from a button or javascript in a web page +

You can add a print button to a web page to print from another browser using Print n Share Pro. eg. print from Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc.

To print from another browser into Print n Share Pro, you can add a "z" to the start of the web address in the address bar. eg. becomes z
This will then open the current web page into Print n Share Pro and ask to print it.

You can add a print button to a web page to automatically open Print n Share Pro and print the document.

This is an example

<input type=button onclick="href = window.location.href; window.location.href = 'z' + href;" value="Print This Page">

You can also use javascript to print another page.

For example

function printHelp() {
window.location.href = "z";

<br><input type=button onclick="printHelp();" value="Print Help">

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Import Web Bookmarks +

You can import bookmarks into Print n Share Pro from most browsers on your Mac or PC. Check your browser help file to see how to save your bookmarks. Save your bookmarks as an HTML file inside your WePrint shared files directory.
The location of this directory is in the WePrint settings - "Sharing" tab.

To import the bookmarks into Print n Share Pro, open the Web Page screen, then tap on the "Bookmarks" button to view and edit your bookmarks.
Select the bookmarks file you just exported and press the "Import" button to complete the import.

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Choose your web browser search engine +

You can choose which search engine to use when you do web searches in Print n Share Pro.
Open the app settings () and open the 'Web Browser' section. Tap on the 'Default web search' and choose from the list. eg. Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, Wikipedia, DuckDuckGo.
Feel free to contact us to suggest others. Contact us

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Choose an external web browser app +

You can do a long tap on an email web link top open a menu and then choose an external web browser to open the link.

You can also choose a default web browser app to open your email web links.
Open the app settings () and open the 'Web Browser' section. Tap on the 'Open email links with' and choose from the list. eg. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, iCab. The 'Internal Browser' will open links inside Print n Share Pro.
Feel free to contact us to suggest others. Contact us

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Print the web address and timestamp in the page footer +

You can choose to print the current date, time and web address (URL) in the footer of the printed page output so you can see when the page was printed and from where.
Tap on "Printer Options" in the print screen.
Then turn on the 'Print timestamp footer' option. The extra details will then be printed on the bottom of each page.

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PDF Conversion
Use "Convert to PDF" to convert images and files to PDF format +
  • Open Print n Share Pro and either tap on a file or other item to view it, or check the file/files you wish to convert
  • Tap the Print button in the top right corner
  • In the Print screen, tap "Choose" and select the "Convert to PDF" option
  • Tap "Save" and choose the location you wish to save the PDF. eg. local files, cloud server or send as an email attachment

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    Scan a document and save it as a PDF file +

    You can use your iPhone/iPad camera to scan a document and convert it to a PDF file.

    First you can take a photo of each page of the document with your iPhone/Pad camera.

    Then open Print n Share Pro and tap on the 3 lined button in the top left to show the left side panel.

    Then tap on the 'Images' button in the left side panel.
    You may have to use the photo album folder button in the toolbar to select the album that shows the new photos. The 'Recents' album should show the document images.

    Tap on each document image you have added to show a checkmark on the image icon. Tap to select the pages in the correct order.

    Tap the Print button in the top right corner

    In the Print screen, tap "Choose" and select the "Convert to PDF" option

    Tap "Save" and choose the location you wish to save the PDF. eg. local files, cloud server or send as an email attachment

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    Convert a file into a PDF from another app +

    There are several ways to transfer files from another app so you can convert them into a PDF.

    From inside other apps
    You can use the Action/Share menu inside other apps to choose the Print n Share Pro print icon. If you do not see the print icon, scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap on "More/..." to choose it.
    Tap on "Choose" in the Print n Share Pro print screen and then choose the "Convert to PDF" printer to save the item as a PDF. Tap here () for details.

    Use "Open in" from your other app and select Print n Share Pro
    Print n Share Pro should open and display the print screen.
    Tap "Choose" in the Print screen and then select the "Convert to PDF" option and Tap Save.

    Share via iCloud/Dropbox/
    If the other app supports Cloud Servers you can also use that to transfer files
    In the other app save your file to your preferred cloud server
    Open Print n Share Pro and go to the Cloud Server screen from the Files screen
    Select your Cloud storage service or tap the + to set it up
    Select the files and tap the Print button. Then tap "Choose" in the Print screen and then select the "Convert to PDF" option and tap Save.

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    Faxing documents and images +

    Print n Share Pro has the ability to send faxes however you need to have the correct setup in your PC, or a supported printer on your Mac to be able to fax.

    See below to ensure your system meets the correct criteria to be able to send faxes.

    Windows PC
    • Ensure the latest version of WePrint is installed on your PC, you can download it by clicking here
    • You must to have a modem connected to your PC that is plugged into a phone line. This is not the same as a broadband router, it is a specific modem that is able to dial the phone for faxing.
    • If you have the above then test faxing by using Notepad to type a fax, then use the print command and select fax - if it all goes through on the test then it should work with Print n Share Pro

    Apple Mac
    • Ensure the latest version of WePrint is installed on your Mac, you can download it by clicking here
    • You can either have a fax modem connected to your Mac that is plugged into a phone line. This is not the same as a broadband router, it is a specific modem that is able to dial the phone for faxing.
    • Or you can use a multi function printer that supports faxing. If your printer does support faxing then you need to go to your System Preferences -> Print & Fax and make sure you can see an
      entry of your printer that has fax in the name. If you do not see it then run your setup disk that came with your printer again.
    • Test your printer by opening TextEdit, type a fax message and then use the print command and select your fax printer. Follow the prompts from there to ensure the fax is sent and received.

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    Sending a fax +

    If your system setup meets with the criteria explained above () then follow these steps to send a fax from Print n Share Pro.
    1. Open the document to be faxed
    2. Tap on the print button, then tap on Choose and select your fax printer
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter the number you wish to fax the item too, you can also choose a cover sheet from the template if required
    4. Tap Send

    If your fax does not go through or you get an error connecting to WePrint, please tap here () to go to the troubleshooting section.

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    My printer is not found or does not print correctly +

    Try rebooting your WiFi router to see if that fixes any connection issue.

    To run a quick diagnostic test for your printer for this type of printing, go ahead and install the WePrint printer sharing software on your Mac or PC.
    You can download WePrint here

    Make sure you have WePrint: showing in the Server field on the Print screen for this test, or tap on the Choose button to select it. WePrint will also allow you to print over 3G/4G.

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    My device says "Error connecting to the server". It can't find the WePrint server. +

    If you have problems connecting to your printer or the print out is blurry or too light, here are some options try.
    Try rebooting your network router.

    Open Print n Share Pro, tap on the print button and then tap on "Choose" in the print screen. Tap on "AirPrint" in the choose printer screen to see if your printer is found that way.

    Otherwise, our free WePrint for Mac/PC can help track down any print quality and network connection problems.
    WePrint is installed on your Mac or PC and shares your Printers so you can print from your iPad/iPhone.
    Install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here:

    Make sure WePrint on your Mac/PC and also the iPhone/iPad are in the same network

    Do you have 'WePrint' displayed in the 'Server' field in the 'Print' screen in Print n Share Pro?
    Tap 'Choose' in the 'Print' screen > 'Choose Printers' screen > tap to select the green 'WePrint' icon with your printer name and 'Available' underneath.

    On rare occasions connection problems occur and are usually caused by your Firewall. Check the Windows help page to make sure your
    firewall isn't blocking connections. Try turning off your firewall temporarily to test it.

    In the app print screen, tap on the "Choose" button. In the next screen tap "+" and if it doesn't find it automatically, enter the WePrint server details.

    Try also changing the WePrint port number in the WePrint Settings - Advanced tab. Set the custom port number to 8081 or 8082 etc. Make sure you change the port on your device too if you do this.

    Check that your device is connected to your Wi-Fi router with a password if it needs one. Some routers allow guest access with no password, but that blocks access between devices in the same network.
    If your router has password access, enter it in your iPhone/iPad settings.
    Some routers have a feature in the router Admin screens called "AP Isolation". This will block access between devices. Check that "AP Isolation"/"Wireless Client Isolation" is off.

    If find after trying all of these steps you are simply blocked for no reason, or you want to print via 3G/4G you can use the Print via Mobile Data () option.

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    My print job appears in WePrint but goes no further, or there is a printer error on my Mac/PC +

    Perhaps your printer doesn't support the standard background printing without a print dialog. Go to WePrint Settings -> Advanced tab and try turning on "Compatibility Printing mode"

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    Improving print quality using WePrint +

    If printed documents do not print with the same quality as your computer, then you can change the WePrint settings to improve the print quality.

    WePrint will share your printers so your iPhone or iPad can print. First you need to install WePrint on your Mac or PC from here:

    Using WePrint is usually enough to print with the best quality.

    If you find you need even better quality for some document types, then you can use these these steps:

    1) Click on the "Settings" button in the WePrint Window on your computer.

    2) Click on the "Apps" tab to show the external applications settings.

    3) Enter the doc type of the document you are printing in the "File type" field and add it.
    eg. enter "pdf", or for a Word doc, enter "doc" or "docx" into the File type field.

    4) Click on save to save the settings

    5) On the iPhone or iPad, tap on the Printer button and then tap on the Choose button on the Print screen, and select the WePrint computer again. This is important to refresh the settings.

    6) Now you can print and it will use the computer's default application for printing the document type, eg. WePrint will open Word to print .doc files.

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